Lori and Meredith

Advocate Independence

“There is no safety net that can bear the weight of human indifference, and I have yet to encounter a safety net of laws, rules, regulation and policies that was any stronger than a single concerned and engaged person, standing shoulder to shoulder with a person, navigating the daily challenges of life in the community.”

Frazier and Connelly Inside Front Cover

Clarity of Staff Function

Citizen Advocacy coordinators do not act as advocates, and the program does not engage in other forms of advocacy.


Program Independence

The Citizen Advocacy office maintains its independence from other human service organizations to help ensure that advocates will not have conflicts of interests.

Tom and Dot

Diversity of Relationships

The range of advocate roles and the nature of advocacy relationships are very diverse. Advocates choose, together with their partner, the direction and content of their relationship. Citizen Advocacy coordinators orient and support the advocates in these choices.

Robert and Larry Cover

Positive Imagery

The advocacy office strives to be a model of positive interpretations and images of people with disabilities.

Tamika and Joi Cover Photo

One Person at a Time

“There is no safety net that can bear the weight of human indifference, and I have yet to encounter a safety net of laws, rules, regulation and policies that was any stronger than a single concerned and engaged person, standing shoulder to shoulder with a person, navigating the daily challenges of life in the community.”

Macon Bibb Citizen Advocacy depends on the support of local citizens. All investments directly benefit the Macon/Bibb County community. From a cost-benefit perspective, the work accomplished by MBCA is tremendous. It is impossible to assign a dollar value to the ongoing relationships formed that not only prevent people with disabilities from being harmed but also improve the lives of community members with and without disabilities. Furthermore, if one was to attempt to replace these relationships with paid human services, the quality could not be matched; the relationships would not be sustained; and the costs would be multiplied several times over.

MBCA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, and your donation is tax deductible. If you are interested in financially supporting MBCA, please contact the MBCA office at 478.743.1521 or by email at mbcai@bellsouth.net

The mission of Macon Bibb Citizen Advocacy, Inc. is to promote the protection of and advocacy for people with developmental disabilities.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

MBCA Newsletter Spring 20220001

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